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 too hard to write.

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7 posters

Number of posts : 68
Age : 50
Location : isle of wight
Registration date : 2009-03-11

too hard to write. Empty
PostSubject: too hard to write.   too hard to write. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 28, 2009 2:17 am

Sadly Lyra, my female kakariki died today.
I am absolutely gutted. She was egg bound after laying 2 egg in the box. Got up this morning to find her on the floor of the cage.
Sorry i couldn`t help her george. i know you was her mum..??
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too hard to write. Stars1

Number of posts : 936
Age : 53
Location : Carterton, Oxfordshire, UK.
Registration date : 2008-10-18

too hard to write. Empty
PostSubject: Re: too hard to write.   too hard to write. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 28, 2009 9:05 am

Paul I'm so sorry to hear about Lyra - sometimes there is just no way of knowing they are not well - it comes on so fast and they hide it so well. Fly free little Lyra, give Kiwi a beaky kiss from me xxx
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too hard to write. Stars1

Number of posts : 2069
Age : 54
Location : U.S.A
Registration date : 2008-10-18

too hard to write. Empty
PostSubject: Re: too hard to write.   too hard to write. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 28, 2009 11:13 am

:cry: Paul im so terribly sorry! Debbie is exactly right!!!!.... I have dealt with egg bound birds, its hard to tell, especially when their in the nestbox..we leave them be to do their duty without disturbing & causing know from your own experience in raising birds thus far, no matter your best efforts with nutrition, sometimes its just not enough for what ever reasons! fly free little Lyra, when you give Kiwi beaky kisses, please give my precious George one as well!!
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Number of posts : 282
Age : 59
Location : cotswolds uk
Registration date : 2009-03-30

too hard to write. Empty
PostSubject: Re: too hard to write.   too hard to write. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 28, 2009 3:25 pm

awww.... sad Paul.......... big hugs for you.......... thats soo sad...... but yeah i agree with Deb n Laurie too............. could you try to incubate the 2 eggs.....?
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too hard to write. Stars1

Number of posts : 897
Age : 67
Location : Biggin Hill, Kent
Registration date : 2008-11-03

too hard to write. Empty
PostSubject: Re: too hard to write.   too hard to write. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 28, 2009 4:13 pm

Oh Paul I am so sorry to hear about Lyra sad

I'm sure she's giving and getting beaky kisses from Kiwi and George :heart_fill_with_lov
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too hard to write. Stars1

Number of posts : 1228
Age : 38
Location : Isle of Wight, England
Registration date : 2008-10-29

too hard to write. Empty
PostSubject: Re: too hard to write.   too hard to write. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 28, 2009 7:27 pm

Awwwwh, Paul, I'm so sorry. :Bawling: Lyra was such a placid little thing too. *sniff*.

I've paired her sister, Gracey, up with another male and they're busy feeding each other but not showing much sign of actually nesting. If they ever get round to it, I'll keep you at the top of my list. I've retired my lutino pair now as they must be a good 6-7 years old and it's a bit of a strain for them.

Are Whistler and Riddick getting on ok without her?!

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Number of posts : 68
Age : 50
Location : isle of wight
Registration date : 2009-03-11

too hard to write. Empty
PostSubject: Re: too hard to write.   too hard to write. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 04, 2009 12:27 am

Thanks for the lovey words ladies...
i am still gutted about it now.
put the boys back in together and its like they were never parted..
Riddick has become a right so n so. he tries gettin past my hand when i open the cage to feed them..? unfortunately they are still not tame enough to trust me totally yet so normally end up havin to feed them to get them back
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too hard to write. Stars1

Number of posts : 1228
Age : 38
Location : Isle of Wight, England
Registration date : 2008-10-29

too hard to write. Empty
PostSubject: Re: too hard to write.   too hard to write. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 04, 2009 8:03 pm

They're a real pain to get back in aren't they?! I've always found that the males are worse than the females too, stubborn little buggers! crying_with_laughter
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Number of posts : 862
Age : 67
Location : Kitchener, Ontario
Registration date : 2008-11-15

too hard to write. Empty
PostSubject: Re: too hard to write.   too hard to write. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2009 4:08 am

That is so sad....I'm so so sorry.
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PostSubject: Re: too hard to write.   too hard to write. Icon_minitime

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