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 Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes

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2 posters

Number of posts : 27
Age : 40
Location : Milton Keynes
Registration date : 2008-11-09

Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes Empty
PostSubject: Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes   Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes Icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2009 7:49 pm

We have:

2 peach faced lovebirds, both tame, believed same sex pair

Nanday Conure, tame, sex unknown at present

2 indian ringnecks, suit aviary, sex unknown at present

Crimson Rosella, sex uknown at present, suit aviary

Sulphur crested cockatoo, quite nasty when he feels like it, feather plucked and traumatised, to be assessed before any permanent decision made about his future. Possibly better in metal aviary or as a breeding bird. Will be dna'd

Donation reflecting bird type will be required, and the completion and signing of an adoption agreement is a must.
Please PM me with questions etc.
Thank you
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Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes Stars1

Number of posts : 1228
Age : 38
Location : Isle of Wight, England
Registration date : 2008-10-29

Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes   Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes Icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2009 9:29 pm

Awwwhh, if my grandad was still around and in Milton Keynes, he'd have the lot! :heart_fill_with_lov Hope you find them all nice new homes, do let us know won't you?! :Bravo:
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Number of posts : 27
Age : 40
Location : Milton Keynes
Registration date : 2008-11-09

Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes   Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes Icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2009 9:50 pm

Thanks George! Course I will!
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Number of posts : 27
Age : 40
Location : Milton Keynes
Registration date : 2008-11-09

Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes   Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2009 2:28 pm


The Sulphur 'Too and Nanday have been reserved pending homechecks.

Just the Ringnecks, Rosella (both need aviary homes) and Lovebirds to go!
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Number of posts : 27
Age : 40
Location : Milton Keynes
Registration date : 2008-11-09

Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes   Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2009 5:07 pm

All birds now reserved pending homechecks
Mods feel free to lock/delete
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PostSubject: Re: Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes   Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes Icon_minitime

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Selection of birds for rehoming, Milton Keynes
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